
5 Simple Tips to Ace Mathematics Exam

by Bruce (5737 views)
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Mathematics is probably one of the most dreadful subject when we were in school. Students who don’t like maths often face high levels of stress when it comes to exams, finding assignments too difficult, and has simply no interest in the subject. However, it is also one of the most important subjects in school as it serves as a gateway to many other subjects such as statistics, accounting, engineering, and more.



But maths really isn’t impossible if students are willing to put in the hard work. Here are some tips to study maths effectively so your child can ace that requirement and get through class without stressing too much about it:


1. Understanding the concept


It is important to understand that maths is a conceptual subject and it is essential to get the basic fundamentals right before progressing to the advanced concepts. Having a strong foundation of the subject will help reduce confusion for your child while they work on more complex problems and ultimately, study efficiently.


2. Finish your homework

Homework is very important for understanding maths, as students need to apply what they’ve just learnt in class. When it comes to maths homework, it’s best not to wait too long so the concepts are still fresh in their mind. If your child completes their homework and assignments after each class, they will likely find it easier to master the concepts and identify their problem areas.


3. Ask for help


More often than not, students tend to shy away from asking questions in a traditional classroom setting as they fear of appearing the lack of compared to their peers. It is important that students devoid of judgment and peer pressure, and be confident to ask for help when needed. This allows your child to clear of any doubts or confusion, helping them to build a stronger foundation in understanding the math concepts.

4. Practice, practice, & more practice



One of the most important and effective ways to ensure students do well in maths is for them to actively practice the subject as frequently as possible. Practicing and solving math problems, even when they are of a similar question, is key because it helps the student to use their critical thinking skills and transition problem-solving skills from the conscious to the subconscious mind.

This method of learning will help the mind to understand the math problem, train the mind to quickly identify the problem and provide a solution to it, and also develop an affinity for the subject when students are able to solve the problems accurately. With regular and diligent practice, everyone and anyone, can be good at math.


5. Home tuition for Maths


Maths is a subject that requires an investment of time and it is important to fully understand the logic behind the subject. In a traditional classroom setting, it might be difficult for your child to voice out his questions and this is when they might feel disengaged with the subject when they feel helpless with their homework and exams. Engaging a Maths Tutor will not only allow your child to have someone to practise the above tips with them, but the Maths Tutor can also keep track of your child’s progress and explain the different maths concept in their home tuition or assignments to help them learn better.