
English Tuition - Best Practices for Tutors

by Justin Lee (26239 views)
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How can you deliver the best possible English Tuition to your students and keep yourself logged in the 'Popular' category of your students' mental registry? Model the practices of some of the best in the English teaching industry.

Plan for Your English Tuition

Take time off to plan which components of English to work on in the next lesson and how much time will you spend on each segment. Update your teaching material with the use of sources such as BBC’s Learning English or The use of appropriate videos not only heightens your students’ motivation to learn but it makes teaching more fun for you.

Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing

The grand plan of your English Tuition needs to include the four bases of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Over-weigh your lessons with the component in which your student is weakest.

Create Opportunities for Dialogue

By encouraging conversation, the benefits to you are manifold. Not only do you directly improve the listening and speaking skills of your student, you enliven your English tuition and connect deeper with your student.

Regular Assessment

Keep track of the learning progress of your student on paper if possible. Identify areas of improvement and communicate them to your student on a regular basis. Motivate him by pointing out his strengths and the improvement that he has made.

End with a Bang

Spend the last few minutes of your English tuition rounding up what you have taught and ask whether your student understood and enjoyed your lesson. According to psychological science, the ending of a movie is more important than its start. End on a high note and leave your student looking forward to the next lesson. Read about Maths Tuition - What to look out for View more articles