
  1. How much do I have to pay for the service of Ace Tutors?

    There is a one time commission charge of 50% of the monthly tuition fee. There will be no additional charge imposed on the parents.

  2. When do I make payment to Ace Tutors?

    Our clients (parents/students) are instructed to make commission payment directly to Ace Tutors upon the completion of half a month of lessons. However, some clients may prefer to hand the commission payment to you in cash. Should they do so, please bank this amount in full to Ace Tutors within 7days of receiving the fee payment. If you are not able to make the payment within the 7days due to any reason, kindly contact us. Legal action will be taken against any tutor who defaults on payment.

  3. How do I make payment to Ace Tutors?

    Payment may be transferred via ATM or i-Banking to Ace Tutors' account:
    DBS Current 012-901323-4
    Bank Code - 7171
    Branch Code - 012
    Upon making payment, please inform us the amount transferred, the Case ID and date of transaction. You may do this via SMS (9154-4350) or email (payment@acetutors.com.sg).

  4. What if the parent hands the cheque payment to me?

    Ensure that the cheque is billed to Ace Tutors LLP, DBS Current 012-901323-4 and drop the check at any DBS or POSB cheque deposit boxes. Upon doing so, please inform us the amount deposited, the Case ID and date of transaction. You may do this via SMS (9154-4350) or email (payment@acetutors.com.sg).

  5. What is the age limit with regards to tutors?

    You need to be at least 18 year old in order to qualify for registration.

  6. What is the minimum qualification required?

    You need to have at least an A Level or a Diploma qualification to register.

  7. Do I have to pay to register with Ace Tutors?

    No, registration is free and commission will only be charged upon successful matching of a student to you.

  8. Do I have to send in my certificates as a proof of my qualification?

    There is no need to send in any hardcopy but you are encouraged to upload a digital copy of your relevant certificates at our website. Tutors who have their qualifications verified will receive a special badge on their public profile. If you choose not to upload your certificates, we require you to produce a photocopy of your certification on the first tuition class which is to be passed to the parent.

  9. How does the matching work?

    When we receive a tutor request from parents, we will match their request based on the subject and level of tuition and their location to our database of tutors. We will send out SMSes to our tutors by turns. Your speedy response is appreciated as you then have higher chances of securing the tuition.

  10. What is expected on the first lesson?
    • Firstly, please get the location right and be there on time.
    • In case of any emergency, you can contact Ace Tutors or call the parents directly whose numbers you would already have stored in your phone.
    • Bring along your Identification Card and a copy of your certificates for verification purposes with the parents.
  11. What will happen if I terminate the tuition assignment before the end of the first month?

    You are to inform our coordinators immediately. With effect from 01 July 2012, you will be liable to an administrative fee that is equivalent to the commission charge payable in the first month, or $50, whichever amount is higher. Such cancellations seriously affect your credibility as a tutor, and it damages the reputation of Ace Tutors.

  12. How do I contribute study tips to be published?

    You may post them in our article page or send them to our email. If we find them really useful, we will definitely publish them on our website under your name.

  13. Do I need to upload a profile picture ?

    Please do upload a decent profile picture of yourself, this will help increase your chances of landing a tuition assignment.


  1. How do I verify the qualification of my tutor?

    To provide you with the confidence in the ability of the tutor assigned to your child, we get tutors to make a photocopy of their certificates for your verification on the first lesson. Should this not be done, please inform us and we will take the appropriate action. In the case of the tutor's qualification being inaccurate, please contact us without hesitation. We will determine the cause and if it is a deliberate fraud, we will get you a new tutor and the first lesson given by the previous tutor will be free of charge.

  2. How do I request for a tutor online?

    You may fill up the Tutor Request Form or you may call us at 6100-2237.

  3. How do I request for a tutor via phone?

    Call us up at 6100-2237 to speak to our friendly coordinator. We will ask you for the following information and do the matching for you.

    1. Name of Student
    2. Tutoring subject and level
    3. Once or Twice a week, hours per lesson
    4. Preference for Undergrad, Graduate or Teacher*
    5. Preferred Tuition days/time
    6. Preference for female tutor?
    7. Quote and decide price
    8. Address, which MRT station is close-by
    9. Your Email address?

  4. What is the arrangement with regard to payment?

    You are required to make the commission payment to Ace Tutors after half the first month's lessons have been delivered. The amount and due date will be stated in our invoice to you. The remainder of the tuition fees may be made directly to our tutor at the end of the month. There are usually no extra charges incurred on you. Payments on subsequent months can be made on the 4th lesson of each month to our tutor and they will not be liable to further charges.

    Payment may be transferred via ATM or i-Banking to Ace Tutors' account:
    DBS Current 012-901323-4
    Bank Code - 7171
    Branch Code - 012
    Upon making payment, please inform us the amount transferred, the Case ID and date of transaction. You may do this via SMS (9154-4350) or email (payment@acetutors.com.sg).

    Cheque Payment:
    Cheques should be crossed and made payable to Ace Tutors LLP
    Write your Case ID on the back of your cheque
    To be mailed to our P.O. box Ace Tutors, My Mail Box 886625

  5. What if I wish to have the tutor changed after the first lesson?

    We would like to know in which way the arrangement was unsatisfactory and make a change for you. You are required to pay our tutor 1 lesson worth of fee and we will match another tutor to your child.

Referral Program

  1. How does the referral program work?

    When you provide us with the referral's information through the Referral form, we will make a match for the student. When this is successful, we will call you up requesting your address so that we can mail you the $15 Capitaland vouchers. *The referred tuition needs to be at least $250/mth

  2. How long are the Capitaland vouchers valid for?

    The CapitaLand vouchers come with an original validity term of 1 year from date of issuance. The vouchers that we send you will be valid for at least another 10 months.

  3. Where can I get more information regarding the vouchers?

    Kindly visit www.capitalandretail.com/CapV_info.htm

Tuition Assignment Map

  1. How do I apply for an assignment?

    Left-click on the assignment you want and select "Apply". Input your rate charged and your available tuition start days/time. You must be registered with Ace Tutors and logged in first.

  2. How do I know if I'm shortlisted for the assignment?

    For Home Tuition assignments, you will receive a call from one of our coordinators confirming the details with you.

    For Education Institution assignments, your profile and contact details will be sent to the respective institution and they will contact you directly.

  3. What if some assignments are already taken?

    We remove assignments that are taken up as soon as we can, so that your chances of being accepted are higher.

  4. How many assignments can I apply for?

    You can apply for 3 assignments at most per day. This is to ensure that you select wisely and apply only for assignments which you can commit to for at least 1 academic year. Tutors ranked "Good" or "Excellent" by Ace Tutors can apply for up to 5 assignments per day.

  5. What are my chances of getting an assignment?

    This will depend on the parent/student's preferences. Do note that you are also competing against about 7 other tutors who may be applying for the same assignment.

  6. Do I have to pay if I apply for Tuition Centre or Childcare Centre assignments?

    All assignments are free for you to apply. No commission is charged for the matching of Education Institution assignments. However, you will be charged a commission (50% of first month fees) upon the successful matching of home tuition assignments.

  7. How can I get frequent job/tuition assignment updates?

    You are automatically subscribed to tuition-centre job updates via email when you register as a tutor. However, you are also encouraged to check back the Tuition Assignment Map daily for new jobs. Special updates may be found at our Facebook page regularly.

Corporate Recruiter

  1. How do educators and interested applicants know about my job?

    All jobs posted on the Corporate Recruiter will appear in our Job Notification emails which are sent to all our tutors. Your job is also viewed by over 5000 unique visitors to the Assignment Map over the period of 2 weeks.

  2. How long do my job credits last before expiry?

    All job-post credits have a 1 year expiry from the date of purchase. We usually top up expired credits which are unused for our clients.

  3. What if I make a mistake in my job post?

    You may edit your job post freely within the first 3 days of your job posting. Click on 'edit' under the 'Manage Jobs' section of your Corporate Recruiter control panel.

  4. How do interested applicants apply for my job?

    All our tutors and site visitors will be able to view the contact number and email that you provide regarding the vacancy. You will be notified by email when users at the Tuition Assignments Map click to apply for your job.

  5. Where can I access the Corporate Recruiter platform?

    You can access using any computer with an online connection.

  6. How can I apply for a free trial?

    Email us using our contact form and provide us with your company email address, your name and your contact number. Our representative will contact you and handle the rest.

  7. How do I purchase the job credits?

    Email us using our contact form and provide us with your company email address, your name, your contact number and the package that you wish to purchase. Our representative will contact you and send you the invoice with the payment instructions.

  8. How does the payment process go?

    You may mail a copy of your invoice and your cheque to us. The cheque is to be made payable to Ace Tutors mailed to Ace Tutors, My Mail Box 886625. Alternatively you may make an electronic fund transfer to Ace Tutors' account:
    DBS Current 012-901323-4
    Bank Code - 7171
    Branch Code - 012
    Do inform us about the amount transferred and the reference code (via corporate@acetutors.com.sg or 6100-2237).

Summary of FAQs