
How To Help Your Child Focus With Learning

by Bruce (6060 views)
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Play or work - which will you choose?


You’d have most likely chosen - Play. All of us would have too, including your child, which is why sometimes you might notice that they find it hard to stay focused on their revision and homework. Here are some tips we have, that you can use to improve your child’s concentration:


1. Reduce Distractions

Sometimes someone else in the family could be watching the TV, listening to loud music, or playing video games. These are all distractions which could deter your child from concentrating on their homework or revision. 


When your child is doing their revision, it is best to help them eliminate unnecessary background noise. If you can’t block them completely, find ways to keep them to a minimum. 


2. Set Up The Environment

We focus better when we have a well set-up environment. Teach your child to keep their study room and desk tidy so that they can focus better. This is also a form of cultivating good habits in your child which also helps you as a parent when you have one less mess to deal with. 


3. Set Attainable Goals

Don’t set a concentration goal that it’s hard for them to reach as that would cause them to lose interest and lower their self-esteem at the same time. 


Set realistic concentration goals for your child. If your child has difficulty concentrating, set short study timeframes that they could achieve (for instance, start with a 15 minute reading time first instead of setting it at one hour right away). Once they have then achieved the targeted time, slowly increase the target time frame at a steady pace and let them be fully aware of the new target. 


4. Add in Play Time

Reward your child in between periods of focus with an activity of their choice. They could play, watch the TV or listen to music after they have reached the targeted concentration time frame. This gives them motivation and also helps their mind to recharge. Once they have relaxed for a reasonable amount of time, get them back at their learning activity with a new time goal. 


5. Be Involved

Depending on your child’s learning preference, some of them may focus better when one of their parents sits beside them. It is important to note that while it may be tempting to pick up your mobile phone while you sit with them, don’t. That can be a distraction for your child, and shows your child your disinterest in what they do. 


Be physically and mentally involved in your child’s learning. You may also find resources online for learning activities that you may explore together with your child (for example: some home science experiments).This would also be a good opportunity for you to bond with your child, while your child learns.