
What Fitness Regime Must You Have to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

by James Tang (6768 views)
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Estimated reading time: 1.5 minutes

There are tonnes of different workout and fitness regimes out there, and everyone is always changing from one form to another. But what is the general rule of thumb when it comes to fitness and which one is best in order to lead a healthy lifestyle? Today, we’ll be explaining to you the basics of a healthy lifestyle and how to go about achieving it.


Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular exercises have to be included in your weekly routine simply because it is essential for your heart, lungs and circulatory system. Not to mention, cardiovascular work increases your stamina and improves your mood through the release of chemicals such as endorphins, allowing you to better go about your day with an abundance of energy. Many people tend to neglect this aspect because they assume training with weights alone is fine. It clearly is not as your physical health would suffer as a whole if you neglect to do cardiovascular exercises in the long run.

Strength Training

Strength training or resistance training is the use of weights or resistance band to provide increased levels of stress on your body, triggering hypertrophy in the muscles. It improves bone density and strength levels, ensuring that your body remains in tip-top condition as you age. Strength training is not only important for these aspects, because the functional strength you achieve from strength training allows your body to carry our actions with a much higher capacity. Think about running and jumping higher, being able to lift up heavier objects and looking so much better as a whole. Strength training is able to help you achieve that and more, but only if you remain consistent with your training in the long run.


Alas, flexibility is a core component that more than 90% of people tend to miss out in their fitness regime. But why bother with flexibility, you may ask? Well unbeknownst to most people, flexibility determines the range of motion of your body and whether or not your posture is right. When you lack flexibility, the biomechanics of your body becomes warped and the wrong muscles are activated for the wrong purposes. This can cause problems ranging from pains to aches and even bad posture. As such, stretching is advised every other day in order to ensure your body remains nimble and well-preserved. The other option to this is actually to visit a chiropractor or a deep tissue massage specialist, but that would be extremely costly and you are better off stretching on your own.