
What we have learned from Google's Fundamental of Digital Marketing

by Phebe Sim (7049 views)
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In this modern age of technology, the usage time of mobile devices is steadily increasing, and smart businesses are gradually increasing their sphere of influence through mobile advertising to reach out to new customers.


Search Ads on Mobile Devices



Search Ads can help you reach people on their mobiles, but what should you take note of before investing in them?


1.   The loading speed of your website should be fast as a long waiting time would turn customers away instead.


2.   Ensure that your website appears and functions the same way on all the different types of mobile devices.


3.   Your website should be mobile-friendly and consists of visibly large buttons that are easy to see and click.


It is important that the three conditions above are met before you invest in search ads as failure to do so would just result in you spending money to send people to a poor website experience.


Creating a social media campaign



This consists of three main steps:


1.  Decide on which social media sites you want to use. To do so, you must be clear of the objectives of the site, as well as the people who frequently visits it because different social networks serve different purposes, and you want to make sure you choose sites that are most relevant to your business.


2.  Leverage on audience targeting features. There are major social media figures such as Twitter and Facebook that offers various targeting options to help get your ads in front of the right audience.


3.  ​​​​​​Create ads that are mobile-friendly. People are more like to visit sites on mobile devices, and you want to make sure that you optimize your messages for viewing on small screens.


Creating effective video advertising campaigns



1.  Relevance: You want to ensure that your video content is relevant enough to attract audience to be interested in it.


2.  Duration: Keep the video short as people have limited attention spans and the last thing you want to happen is having them get bored.


3.  Clear call to action: Engage the audience by telling them what they should do next after watching the video.


If you are interested to learn about Fundamental of Digital Marketing, click on the link and start your learning journey. Best of all it is free.