
Why You Should Go Nuts for Nuts

by Melissa Spicer (3522 views)
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In general, nuts are delicious and nutritious, especially when eaten in their raw form without any salt or additives. Almonds, walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, and other varieties are linked directly with health benefits that are hard to ignore. Exploring what nuts have to offer your diet is a smart move that can help keep you (and your taste buds) happy.

Which kind should you eat?

Walnuts. Walnuts are known for their inflammation-fighting abilities. They protect the body from the type of cell damage that can ultimately lead to cancer, heart disease, and aging of the skin, since they are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. The fat found in walnuts is healthy and unsaturated, just like fish oil. 

Macadamias. Although calorie laden, macadamia nuts are so worth the extra calories, not just because they taste good, but because they are loaded with monounsaturated fats that provide impeccable heart health benefits. People who added these nuts to their diets reduced their total cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL cholesterol levels by as almost 10 percent overall.

Brazil nuts. These yummy nuts were shown in one study to inhibit the growth of cancerous cells in the prostate. They're rich in selenium, so they provide support to the thyroid and reduce the signs of aging.

Pecans. Rich in antioxidants that guard against cellular damage, pecans are for far more than just adding to your Thanksgiving pie. These little nuts can reduce LDL cholesterol by up to 33 percent, and they contain Vitamin E that may slow down degenerative neurological changes associated with aging.

Cashews. Nearly as popular as peanuts, cashews pack a powerful punch of iron and zinc. Although most people need no incentive beyond their taste to eat cashews, they are nutrient dense. The zinc found in cashews supports healthy vision and a healthy immune system, while the magnesium in these nuts guards against age-related loss of memory.

Almonds. Almonds are loaded with fiber; just one serving provides three grams of fiber to help keep your digestive system functioning at top capacity. They are also a good source of the potent antioxidant Vitamin E. In studies, people who snacked on almonds lost more body weight than people who did not.

There you have it – several reasons to go nutty in your nutritional plans without any guilt. Add these nuts by the handfuls to trail mix for an on-the-go snack, or enjoy them on their own as a filling afternoon pick-me-up.