I have experience as a Full Time Tutor in the teaching of Primary School Mathematics, Science, English and Chinese Language. Always have passion in teaching and helping the children.
Primary level - Chinese English Mathematics Science
Commitment / Other Details
I have commitment in the teaching and helping of the children in the area of Mathematics, Science, English and Chinese to let them excel in their education n do well in their studies.
Rapport Building
I will try to understand the children characters and build rapport with them in their studies so I can help them to excel in their studies.
Keeping Up with Curriculum
I will try to keep up with the Curriculum in the schools syllabus and find ways to upgrade myself and help the students in their studies.
As a Good Tutor
I will do my best to help those student who is in need of my teaching in their education to help them to do well in their studies and have interest and passion in their subjects they study in.