Experience of 4-5 yrs tutoring lower pri. students on Eng, Chi, Maths and recently Science, with improvement in students' Maths grades most significant.
Was a former relief teacher at a MOE Pri Sch.
Primary level - Chinese English Higher Chinese Mathematics Science
Commitment / Other Details
Availability anytime from 1 Dec 2020 on wkdays and wkend mornings and Friday evenings.
private 1-1 tuition, or small group tuition of no more than 2 pax for effectiveness.
Rapport Building
Updates to parents on gist of what is covered in tuition and suggestions on what parents could reinforce and provide for child to help child get better.
Keeping Up with Curriculum
Constant updates with questions of past year papers of the school child is in.
As a Good Tutor
responsibility, ownership of the child's learning concerns