Tutor Profile

Farah Mohd (8878)

Tutor Tutors Pic
  • Views: 5556
  • Last updated on 03 Jul 24
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:Excellent
  • Small Group
Tuition Areas [...]
Hougang, North East, Ang Mo Kio, Bishan, Potong Pasir, Punggol, Sengkang, Serangoon, Yio Chu Kang, Buangkok, Kovan
Tuition Background - Primary
(ex) MOE certified Teacher
Tuition/Teaching Experience
I have been giving full-time tuition in Math & English to Primary students since 2008, especially to P6 students preparing for PSLE.
Education [...]
  • National University of Singapore (1981-1984) Verified
    • Business Administration - P
  • National Institute of Education (2005-2006)
    • Mathematics - B
    • English - A
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - English Mathematics Science 
  • Lower secondary level - English Literature Mathematics 
  • Upper secondary level - E Maths English 
Commitment / Other Details
I have made it my aim to encourage and push students who have no affinity to Maths to love the subject which will help them to improve and ultimately excel in the subject.
Rapport Building
Keeping Up with Curriculum
As a Good Tutor
Accept Below Average Rate?
Handle Special Needs Children?
Yes, able to handle special needs children
Parent/Student Comments
Able to identify my child's weakness and mistake. Very detail in explanation. - Mrs Ang

Responsible and punctual
-Ms Chua
Assignments Taken
  • Primary 5 Mathematics & Science tuition - Feb 24
  • Primary 2 English & Mathematics tuition - Dec 23
  • Primary 4 Mathematics tuition - Jan 23
  • Primary 1 English & Mathematics tuition - Nov 22
  • Primary 5 English tuition - Apr 22
  • Primary 4 Mathematics tuition - Mar 22
  • Primary 6 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Nov 21
  • Primary 1 English tuition - Nov 21
  • Primary 2 Mathematics & English P2 in 2021 tuition - Jan 21
  • Primary 4 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Jan 21
  • Primary 4 English tuition - Sep 20
  • Primary 1 English ( Include a K2) 1HR EACH CHILD tuition - May 20
  • Primary 2 English tuition - Feb 20
  • Primary 2 English & Mathematics tuition - Dec 19
  • Primary 4 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Dec 19
  • Primary 5 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Dec 19
  • Primary 6 Science tuition - Dec 19
  • Primary 3 Science & Mathematics tuition - Jul 19
  • Primary 6 English & Science tuition - Apr 19
  • Primary 6 English & Mathematics tuition - Apr 19
  • Primary 2 English Creative writing tuition - Mar 19
  • Primary 6 English tuition - Dec 18
  • Primary 6 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Dec 18
  • Primary 1 English & Mathematics tuition - Jun 18
  • Primary 2 Mathematics tuition - Jun 18
  • Primary 4 Mathematics tuition - May 18
  • Primary 6 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Feb 18
  • Primary 5 Mathematics tuition - Mar 17
  • Primary 4 English & Mathematics tuition - Jan 17
  • Primary 5 English & Mathematics tuition - Jan 17
  • Primary 5 Mathematics tuition - Jan 17
  • Primary 5 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Oct 16
  • Primary 3 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Sep 16
  • Primary 6 English tuition - Feb 16
  • Primary 5 English & Mathematics tuition - Jan 16
  • Primary 4 English tuition - Dec 15
  • Primary 3 English tuition - Dec 15
  • Primary 4 English tuition - Mar 15
  • Primary 5 English P5 (2015) tuition - Jan 15
  • Primary 6 English or Mathematics tuition - Nov 14
  • Primary 5 English tuition - Oct 14
  • Primary 3 Mathematics & Science tuition - Jul 14
  • Primary 6 English & Mathematics tuition - Jul 14
  • Primary 1 English & Mathematics tuition - Jun 14
  • Primary 5 English tuition - Jun 14
  • Primary 6 Mathematics tuition - Jun 14
  • Primary 4 English tuition - May 14
  • Primary 6 English tuition - Apr 14
  • Primary 6 Mathematics tuition - Apr 14
  • Primary 6 Mathematics tuition - Mar 14
  • Primary 6 English tuition - Mar 14
  • Primary 6 English tuition - Mar 14
  • Primary 3 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Dec 13
  • Primary 5 Mathematics & Science tuition - Dec 13
  • Primary 5 English tuition - Oct 13
  • Primary 2 English tuition - Oct 13
  • Primary 4 English Creative writing ( Include P3) tuition - Aug 13
  • Primary 4 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Jun 13
  • Primary 6 Mathematics tuition - May 13
  • Primary 6 English tuition - Mar 13
  • Primary 6 Mathematics tuition - Mar 13
  • Primary 6 English tuition - Feb 13
  • Primary 6 English tuition - Jan 13
  • Primary 6 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Jan 13
  • Primary 6 Mathematics tuition - Dec 12
  • Primary 4 Mathematics tuition - Nov 12
  • Primary 2 English & Mathematics tuition - Nov 12
  • Primary 6 English & Mathematics & Science tuition - Nov 12
  • Primary 4 English tuition - Sep 12
  • Primary 5 Maths tuition - Sep 12
  • Primary 5 English tuition - May 12
  • Primary 1 English tuition - Mar 12
  • Primary 5 Mathematics tuition - Feb 12
  • Primary 1 Maths and English tuition - Feb 12
Small group tuition
  • Primary 5 Mathematics-Problem Sums
    Course Description:
    Students will be taught various strategies to solve problem sum questions.
    Other Details:
    Max Class Size:
    Blk 954 Hougang Ave 9
    02 hr 00 mins
    Wed 07:00 am Thu 05:00 pm
    Price per Month:
    With Friend:
    Student Admitted:
    • Primary 6 Mathematics-Revision for preparation of PSLE this year.
      Course Description:
      Cover all aspects of the 2 Maths papers with special focus on strategies to answer problem sum questions. Worksheets will be provided.
      Other Details:
      Max Class Size:
      Blk 954 Hougang Ave 9
      02 hr 00 mins
      Sun 11:00 am
      Price per Month:
      With Friend:
      Student Admitted:
      • Primary 2 English-Phonics, Grammar, Vocabulary & Creative Writing.
        Course Description:
        Teaching of phonics which helps with spelling and pronunciation of words, Grammar rules, introduction to Vocabulary and various aspects of creative writing. Basic Writing materials and worksheets will be provided.
        Other Details:
        Max Class Size:
        Blk 954 Hougang Ave 9
        01 hr 30 mins
        Sun 09:00 am
        Price per Month:
        With Friend:
        Student Admitted: