Tutor Profile

Esther (543)

Tutor Teacher Picture
  • Views: 2391
  • Last updated on 15 Sep 23
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:Excellent
Tuition Areas [...]
West, Bukit Batok, Clementi/West Coast, Jurong East, Jurong West, Buona Vista, Commonwealth, Dover
Tuition Background
MOE-certified Teacher
Tuition/Teaching Experience
I have more than 7 years of tutoring experience.
I have taught more than 10 students over the past years and they have all completed their O level's.
I taught most of them when they were in Primary school, whereby I prepared them for their PSLE, and all the way to when they sat for their O level's.
Most of the students I taught scored well for their O level E maths, Science (Phy/Chem) and Chinese. Most managed to score at least an A2 for all the 3 subjects.
Education [...]
  • National Technological University (2003-2007)
    • Bachelor of Arts (Honours - Honours
  • Junior College (2000-2002)
    • General Studies in Chines - A1
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - Chinese English Higher Chinese Mathematics Science 
  • Lower secondary level - Chinese English Geography Higher Chinese History Mathematics Science 
  • Upper secondary level - Chinese E Maths Physics/Chem 
Commitment / Other Details
Rapport Building
Keeping Up with Curriculum
As a Good Tutor
Accept Below Average Rate?
Handle Special Needs Children?
Parent/Student Comments
[Rated 5/5 by Mr Tay] - Jul2012
Assignments Taken
  • Secondary 2 Mathematics tuition - Aug 16
  • Primary 2 Chinese Including P1 tuition - Aug 14
  • Secondary 1 Mathematics & Science tuition - Mar 14
  • Primary 6 Chinese tuition - Nov 13
  • Primary 6 Science tuition - Jul 13
  • Primary 6 Chinese tuition - Apr 13
  • Primary 4 Chinese tuition - Jun 12