Tutor Profile

Ezra Yeo En Zhu (25237)

Tutor Tutors Pic
  • Views: 435
  • Last updated on 02 Nov 20
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:
Tuition Areas [...]
Clementi/West Coast, Buona Vista, Commonwealth, Dover
Tuition Background
Tuition/Teaching Experience
I have been tutoring Secondary and Primary students in English for over a year now, and have pulled up students' grades from Cs to As.
Education [...]
  • Nanyang Technological University (2019-2020)
    • Business - A
  • Anglo Chinese Junior College (2014-2016) Verified
    • H2 Knowledge & Inquiry - A
    • H2 English Language & Lin - A
    • H2 Physics - A
    • H2 Economics - A
    • H1 Maths - A
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - English Mathematics 
  • Lower secondary level - English 
  • Upper secondary level - English 
  • Junior college level - Knowledge & Inquiry 
Commitment / Other Details
I will be able to start ASAP and commit for at least a year, as I only take a few students at any one time, so that I can dedicate my full attention to helping my students progress.
Rapport Building
For new students, I begin the first lesson with an assessment of their language skills and explain to parents what areas I will be targeting specifically. During each lesson, I follow up through continuous assessment, and check on their learning progress a t school to avoid repeating material. I encourage an open discourse with parents, so I will update parents on the progress of their children and any issues that may crop up along the way.
Keeping Up with Curriculum
I plan my lessons individually based on the student's weaknesses as I have assessed them. Lessons use a combination of past year papers, external resources, and resources I have personally developed, to ensure thaat the skills being taught are applicable and relevant. I also take reference to the Ministry of Education guidelines and syllabus when assessing my students, so as to fully prepare them for exams. Whereever applicable, I also try to incorporate real world skills into the lesson, to avoid route-learning.
As a Good Tutor
I believe that every student can excel, with sufficient guidance. I adapt my lessons and am patient with my students, regardless of their skill level. At the end of the day, we are all striving towards the same end goal.
Accept Below Average Rate?
Handle Special Needs Children?
Parent/Student Comments
Assignments Taken
  • Secondary 4 English tuition - Jul 20