Tutor Profile

Mabel Loh Mern Teng (17183)

Tutor Tutors Pic
  • Views: 222
  • Last updated on 20 Nov 24
  • Feedback of Parents/Students:
Tuition Areas [...]
Tuition Background
(ex) MOE certified Teacher
Tuition/Teaching Experience
I have taught in Maha Bodhi Primary (1999-2001) and Temasek Primary (2001-2003) and have been tutoring full time ever since. I have 12 years of tutoring experience and have taught Lower and Upper Primary students in English, Maths and Science. I love teaching and always encourage my students to be responsible in their studies and aim for better grades. I cater my teaching style to suit the abilities of the students and motivate them to be interested in the subjects they learn. To engage the students, I use different teaching resources and actively challenge their thinking abilities. I am able to communicate well with students and parents alike and take good responsibility in guiding the students I teach.
Education [...]
  • Singapore Institute of Management (2005-2008) Verified
    • Childhood1 - 3
    • Childhood2 - 3
  • Methodist Girls' School (1986-1992) Verified
    • English - B3
    • Literature - B4
    • Mathematics - C5
    • Biology - D7
    • Art - B3
    • Chinese - B4
Tutoring Subjects
  • Primary level - English Science 
Commitment / Other Details
I'm able to commit to my students till the end of the year and can start asap.
Rapport Building
Assessing the student's ability and concurrently finding out what are the difficulties that they are facing. Subsequently get and give feedback to the parents on the strengths and weaknesses of the student and how the parents can help the child to improve as well. Suggesting different approaches to how students can further benefit in their studies are also important and lastly to work hand in hand with parents on improving the student's grades.
Keeping Up with Curriculum
Getting resources from current teacher friends and reading up. Attend short courses held by NIE on the current syllabus when available.
As a Good Tutor
Basic qualities involve being able to identify the needs of the students you teach. Knowing their strengths and how to utilize them to encourage their self-confidence as well as their weaknesses and how to encourage them to aim for higher grades. Being able to spark an interest in their learning and motivate them in improving upon themselves. To be able to utilize different teaching resources to allow students to have a better understanding of the subject. To be committed to the student and responsible for their learning.
Accept Below Average Rate?
Handle Special Needs Children?
Parent/Student Comments
Assignments Taken