Upper secondary level - A Maths Chemistry E Maths Physics
Junior college level - Maths Physics
International Baccalaureate - Mathematics Physics
Commitment / Other Details
I am a full time tutor
Rapport Building
It is important to know my student well, that means their strengths and areas for improvements. I always try to understand the needs of my students by asking them to feed back on pace and difficulties encountered during my lessons. Then I will reflect and modify for that particular topic. However, I will also gradually increase the level of dificulties by giving more challenging questions unless the students are not ready for it. Students need lots of encouragement to move on, but I will not hold back to tell my students the areas to improve.
Keeping Up with Curriculum
I always update myself with the latest change in syllabus by checking seab web sites.
As a Good Tutor
Able to help students to learn more and in a more enjoyable manner